Dental Implants in little or no bone

Dentistry is advancing at a very great speed with new innovations and technology resulting in quick and precise treatment options and endless possibilities. Of which dental implant is one amongst them but not all patients are fortunate enough to undergo conventional dental implants due to deficient or little bone. Due to financial burden, patients restore the…

I’m afraid of getting implants. Is it possible to place dental implants without surgery?

Talking about a dental visit, their treatment and surgery provoke stress, anxiety and fear. There are various options for replacement of missing teeth of which dental implants is the best treatment options as they preserve the adjacent teeth structures and bone, improve masticatory functions and appearance, thereby improving the overall oral health.  For a dental implant procedure…

Downside of implants

Like with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of many things going wrong. However, if you have a good implantologist with many years experience, this risk will be minimal. Keep in mind that not all people are good candidates for implants. Sometimes there is not enough bone, for example. This must be dealt…

Advantages of implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots mainly made up of Titanium and its alloys for replacing the missing individual tooth or multiple teeth. They serve as the root for missing teeth. Dental implants treatment can be used for replacing a single tooth, replacing several teeth or replacing all of your teeth. One of the major…

Looking For Best Implantologist In Delhi

Dental Implants are considered as the most significant dental innovation of the generation and is considered one of the best options for replacement of missing teeth because they maintain good bone structure, give more youthful appearance and closely resemble and function like a natural teeth. Moreover, the cost of dental implant will be better than repeated…

The Dental Implant Anatomy

Dental implants are a highly popular treatment choice by patients with damaged, missing or unattractive teeth. They are designed to replicate a natural tooth as closely as possible, both in terms of function and aesthetics. A natural tooth comprises of two parts: the tooth and the tooth root. However, a tooth implant replaces both the…