Basal Implants in Delhi

Dental implantation treatment has undergone a paradigm shift in the field of cosmetic dentistry. At Dr. Rajat’s Dentistry, we use a completely new and unique technology for dental implantation that eliminates the need for bone augmentation in all except the most challenging situations.

At Dr. Rajat’s Dentistry, we provide high-quality and cost-efficient basal implant in Delhi. Basal implants are one single implant or unit made of biocompatible titanium alloy, and abutments are monolithically attached. Dr. Rajat Sachdeva, our skilled dentist in Delhi, guarantees that you obtain the best outcomes possible from this procedure.

Now, let’s have,

Overview of Basal Implants

Bone is composed of an internally spongy or cancellous component covered by a compact bone corticalis or layer. The dentist inserts at least two basal implants into the bone layer.

The corticalis, utilized to anchor the basal implants, is highly mineralized and regenerates quickly. Hence, it ensures the incorporation of dental implants and their quick loading.

In terms of force distribution and location, basal implants vary from axial or crest implants, mostly in post-operative planning and execution and prosthetic structure.

Let’s discuss,

Procedure or Steps Involved in Basal Implantation

  • The dentist will first analyze and determine the bone quality using high-quality scanning methods. Then, the dentist will predict the treatment outcome with the help of advanced technology and mock-ups.
  • After administration of anesthesia, the dentist will place the implants in the thick cortical bone. The number of basal implants is decided and implanted based on the amount and quality of bone present. After that, the implants are secured in place.
  • The dentist takes the digital impression of the jaw along with the implants and fabricates the prosthesis. Then, the dentist will lock it with the basal implants using screws and adjust it to give the perfect natural feel.

Now, let’s know,

Who can go for basal implants?

  • Anyone who has an edentulous location with little bone and needs a prosthesis right away is a good candidate for basal implants.
  • Basal implants are suitable for people of all ages. It is usually determined by an individual’s oral and systemic health.

Let’s know about,

Cost of Basal Implants in Delhi

  • At our clinic, the cost of a basal implant in Delhi covers the extraction, replacement denture, or bridge. On the other hand, the implant is being prepared, and thus the implant’s cost. The type of implant chosen and the abilities of the implantologist performing the procedure determine the final cost of treatment.
  • Basal implantation treatment can take one to two days. A single basal implant might cost anywhere between Rs 15,000 and Rs 30,000.Dentalimplants in Delhi are slightly expensive compared to traditional dentures, but they give a long-term solution.
  • The cost of basal implants depends on several factors, including:
  1. Quality of the materials used in the implant and prosthetic teeth.
  2. Amount of time and skill required for the treatment.
  3. Number of missing teeth that need replacement.
  4. Number of implant posts required to secure the dental restorations.
  5. Depending on the procedure’s complexity, the cost may be less or greater than the average.
  6. Any additional treatments required, like bone grafting to prepare for dental implant surgery, will also affect the total cost.

For our patient’s convenience, we have provided the cost of dental implants in Delhi at our clinic:

Note: The prices listed above are for informational purposes only. Following a consultation with Dr. Rajat Sachdeva, we will give you an exact price quote.

Why Choose Dr. Rajat’s Dentistry?

  • Individualism, commitment, perfection, accuracy, composure, and compassion are all qualities we possess.
  • We stand by every means to deliver you the best in the world of dentistry.
  • We offer high-quality dental restorations that last for longer.
  • We believe in delivering top-notch dentistry at the most affordable pricing.
  • For our patient’s safety, we take care of hygiene and sterilization.
  • At our deluxe dental clinic in Delhi, you may experience premier dentistry.
  • At Dr. Rajat’s Dentistry, our dentists thoroughly explain the entire procedure to the patients to help them make the right choice.

You can schedule an appointment at Dr. Rajat’s Dentistry to learn more about basal implants in Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is the basal implantation performed under general anesthesia?

In most cases, general anesthesia is not required. If the patient prefers general anesthesia, it can be arranged with the help of an anesthesiologist.

Is basal implantation painful?

Pain is usually minor when it comes to basal implantation. The degree of edema varies from one patient to the next. The prosthetic works on basal implants are painless in comparison to typical screw implants.

How much longer the patient has to go without teeth?

The patient won’t be without teeth for long because a temporary plastic repair will be made immediately after the implants are placed or the next day. This restoration will be more stable than the removable denture, and it will often outperform it.

How long do the basal implants last?

According to studies on basal implants, almost 95% of all implants have remained in place after ten years.