Risk of getting low-quality Dental Implants

The failure of a dental implant is five to ten percent. There can be following risk of getting low quality dental implants. 1. The implant might fail in a short period immediately or over months, after implant placement- considering cheap costing dental implants, cheap rarely mean good. 2. Primary stability is affected making micro movements…

Dental Implant vs Dentures

Dental implant is the most esthetic procedure practiced, day- to-day. Implant is a replacement of tooth root over which the crown fabrication is done to achieve natural tooth appearance. Dental Implants are popular alternatives over dentures as it bestows fixed solution for the replacement of missing tooth. We, Dr. Sachdeva dental clinic and team are…

Pre – Malignant Lesion and Condition

It has been known for over a century that oral cancer may develop in areas of pre-existing mucosal pathology in the oral cavity.Some oral mucosal lesions and conditions are specifically associated with quid-chewing habits. Two categories of quid-related lesions are recognized:A precancerous lesion is a morphologically altered tissue in which oral cancer is more likely…

Invisalign Braces

Invisalign are custom-made clear plastic aligners that bypasses the “nerdy” looks of metal and wire braces used for proper aligning the teeth. Plus, metal irritates your cheeks and gums and have multiple food restrictions. Even brushing and flossing may be difficult with metal braces. The main advantage of Invisalign is its removable nature, while braces…

After Care Tips for your Implants

Implants because of its complex structure, make them more susceptible to inflammation and bone loss when plaque accumulates on them Therefore, it is important to follow maintenance and safety protocol after the treatment. Nowadays, because of the awareness number of patients opting for implant is increasing so it becomes equally important to accept the challenging…