It’s quite evident that when it comes to the maintenance of one’s oral hygiene, majority of people emphasize on brushing & keeping their pearly whites clean. Whilst this must be a prime concern too, but to add up to one’s awareness, solely brushing your pearly whites will not help you to be freed of all the unfavourable bacteria in your mouth.
Henceforth, in order to maintain the sound & healthy oral hygiene, besides brushing your teeth it’s of utmost importance to clean your tongue as well.
What happens if you do not clean your tongue?
Your oral cavity is a natural habitat for billions of bacterias. You can neither discern them visually nor feel them. Within the majority of unfavourable bacterias also lie few favourable bacterias that cause no harm to the humankind.
What about the unfavourable bacterias?
The presence of unfavourable bacterias like streptococcus mutans & porphyromonas gingivalis adversely affects one’s health. The surface of tongue has small rounded protuberances called papillae. Failed at maintaining the cleanliness of tongue leads to accumulation of bacteria & food particles that further leads to halitosis or bad breath & discolouration of the tongue.
Also, this accumulated bacterium can resettle over the gums & teeth even after they’ve been cleaned, increasing the possibilities of tartar or plaque build up that eventually causes gum diseases & decay.
How you can keep your tongue clean?
Most people think to get rid of bad breath using mouthwash would be sufficient, whereas this doesn’t freed you of the microorganisms completely.
In order to remove the complete layer of biofilm of microorganisms, it’s mandatory to detach the coating of biofilm via use of tongue scrapers & Toothbrush.
Along with your teeth, maintaining the health of your tongue is incredibly of prime concern.
Brushing your tongue is quite easy. It’s always better to opt for soft tooth brush & make sure you do not hurt your tongue. However, cleaning the tongue with toothbrush is not as effective as it is with tongue cleaners since brushes are designed to clean the hard enamel.
When using tongue cleaners always scrape the tongue lightly & firmly from the posterior of the tongue as comfortable to the tip of the tongue repetitively, making sure not to ingest & wash off the remnants on the scraper during & after the procedure.
Always make sure to be gentle while performing the procedure.
How often one should clean the tongue?
Cleaning your tongue should be a concern of your day-to-day oral health routine.
Each time you brush & floss your teeth, make sure to clean your tongue as well. Make sure to clean your tongue twice a day.
Always remember a good oral health positively affects your overall health.
Dr. Sachdeva’s dental implant clinic in Delhi requests its patients to take a step towards maintenance of good oral health. We want to make our patients aware of the importance of practicing good oral hygiene & how the negligence towards oral health can adversely affect the entire system.
We want our patients to implement such practice in their daily routine & relish the benefits of it.