We are well aware of the fact that infectious diseases may be inevitable, but systematic procedures like: diagnosis, prevention & treatment can help protect one from life-threatening infectious diseases.
Vaccination against infectious diseases plays a vital role. Due to advancement or rise of the recent pharmaceutical industries, approaches to prevention & treatment of diseases have procured an advanced level of pre-eminence in expanding an association between microbes & its human hosts.
Vaccines not only fight off infections, but also improve immunity. Since vaccines are prepared by weakened or killed forms of viruses & bacterias, & when it is injected it invigorates one’s immune system by recognizing it as an unfamiliar body, destroying it & remember it so that if immune system encounters such micro-organism later, it can easily identify & destroy them. Henceforth, one’s immune system responds to vaccines in such a way as if vaccines contain actual pathogens.
Vaccine-preventable diseases one should be aware of include:
Hepatitis A: is a liver disease caused by hepatitis A virus. The disease is associated with the ingestion of contaminated food & water, poor personal hygiene & inadequate sanitation.
Hepatitis A vaccine is an inactivated form requires two doses; second dose must be scheduled 6 months after the first dose. Once series of two doses are completed, anti-HAV antibodies may persist for 25 years or more.
The vaccine is contraindicated in people with history of hypersensitivity reaction to the previous one.
Single dose administration of combination hepatitis A & typhoid vaccine attain higher level of protection against waterborne diseases.
Protection is accomplished 2-4 weeks after the first dose.
In order to combat hepatitis A virus improved sanitation, food safety & immunization are the most effective ways.
Hepatitis B
Potentially death-dealing/life-threatening liver infection caused by hepatitis B virus. The virus can survive for about 7 days outside the body & incubation period may vary from 30-180 days. After 30-60 days of infection, virus can be detected & can lead to chronic hepatitis B.
The complete immunization series comprises of 3 doses & provides protection for about 25 years.
Schedule for immunization at birth should be administered within 24 hrs of birth followed by 2nd & 3rd dose in the first & sixth month.
Babies born to infected mothers should be administered with immunoglobulin as soon as possible after the birth & also be immunized.
According to WHO booster dose is not recommended for people who’ve already completed the schedule of 3 doses.
Herpes zoster is also known as shingles. It’s a viral disease characterized by localized painful skin rash with blisters. The virus involves facial nerve & vestibulocochlear nerve (ear) which leads to hearing loss & vertigo. The skin rash usually heals within 4-6 weeks, but, some people experiences constant pain which can last for months or years, known as post herpetic neuralgia.
As you get older, the risk of herpes zoster & post herpetic neuralgia increases. So, Centres for Disease Control & Prevention recommends immunization for 60 years old & older.
The efficacy of shingles vaccine lasts about 4-5 years. The complications are higher in 60s & the vaccination before 60s might not protect one later in life when the risks for virus are at its peak.
Influenza virus leads to respiratory illness & is highly contagious which spreads by coughs & sneezes from an infected person.
The vaccination is needed annually. Protection from the virus begins about 2 weeks of the vaccination.
Here are few enlisted diseases which one should be aware of & must be vaccinated on time in order to protect oneself & others from getting affected by life-threatening diseases.
At Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Institute, best dental implant clinic in Ashok Vihar we make sure to prevent spread of infectious diseases by following proper sterilization protocol & immunization. It’s of utmost importance to get your children vaccinated on time.