Dental implants are the pre-eminent treatment to replace hopeless or missing teeth & also have demonstrated high success rate.
Under precautionary oral hygiene maintenance dental implants can last a lifetime. However, at times despite of good oral hygiene maintenance dental implants could lead to failure.
The failure could be due to:
- Short-cutting the diagnostic phase:
Usually dentists use panoramic x-ray for the diagnosis, but it’s of great significance value to know that treatment cannot be planned on the basis of two dimensional x-rays because this x-ray does not provide the precise information about the location of anatomical landmarks & quality of bone. It is said whatever the bone height panoramic radiograph shows; it should be reduced by maximum possible magnification percentage.
The desirable & precise information can only be achieved via CBCT scans. So before planning a treatment for implants placement, it is highly important to get CBCT scans. Since good treatment planning for implant surgery is known to be the backbone of successful outcome.
- Medical evaluation of patient:
Inadequate medical history also leads to implant failure.
It is of prime importance to evaluate patient’s medical condition to finally decide the fitness for the implant surgical procedure.
The certain medical problems to be evaluated before commencing implant surgery are- Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyroid disorders, bone diseases, cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders, pregnancy, etc should be discussed beforehand & evaluated with investigations as needed. A person may suffer from one of these conditions which can lead to failure of dental implants.
- Inexperienced dentist:
Clinicians with minimal knowledge of dental implants can potentially increase the failure rate.
A clinician should be proficient enough to make correct diagnosis & plan accordingly
- Incorrect dental implant insertion:
As mentioned above, prior the dental procedure a clinician must precisely conclude the most suitable position for implant placement.
Implant insertion into the infected site or at the site of osseous defect leads to incorrect placement & eventually implant failure.
At Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Implant Institute, we follow the suitable protocols & guidelines for our patients. If you would like more information on dental implants, schedule an appointment for a consultation.