What causes dental implant failure?
Dental implants are the pre-eminent treatment to replace hopeless or missing teeth & also have demonstrated high success rate.
Dental implants are the pre-eminent treatment to replace hopeless or missing teeth & also have demonstrated high success rate.
Dealing with anxious pedo patients is a widely recognised common experience which dentists come across each & everyday of their practice.
Undeniably, we all would love that million dollar smile.
And the answer is with COMPONEERS you can get an attractive smile, an economical & convincing solution.
As it is known to all that dental plaque is the main/primary causative agent of periodontal disease. If left uncleaned over time, it leads to the accumulation of harder deposits called calculus around & below the teeth or gums & devastates one’s oral
Good oral hygiene maintenance is of paramount importance to patients with implant prosthesis just similar to those with natural teeth.
Patients take blood thinners or anticoagulants in order to prevent potentially life-threatening conditions like heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis.
In order to receive high grade medical or dental health services, people travel across international borders. Amongst which India is one of the best which offers world class facilities & that to at quite affordable rates to the patients across the gl
We are well aware of the fact that infectious diseases may be inevitable, but systematic procedures like: diagnosis, prevention & treatment can help protect one from life-threatening infectious diseases.
LASER (light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation) has wide application in medical and dental sciences. It has proved to be one of the most effective tool in modern dentistry.
There are many things that need to be taken into consideration about the oral hygiene of your child. Since the very beginning, if care is not taken it can lead to many serious problems that may persist forever.