Are you traumatized by a painful tooth?
Or feel sensitivity whenever you have something hot or cold?
Or experience any discomfort while chewing?
Or have swelling around a tooth?
If you were nodding while reading the above, it’s high time to approach the expert dentists at Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Center, Ashok Vihar, Delhi, and get that long-awaited RCT done at once.
What is an RCT?
A Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is a therapeutic dental procedure wherein the infected contents are removed from the tooth. Thereby:
- Preserves the damaged tooth
- Eliminates the need for tooth extraction
- Alleviates pain and inflammation
Prevents the spread of infection from offending tooth to surrounding areas such as jawbone, adjacent teeth, and supporting gums.
When Should I Consider Going for an RCT?
An RCT is the preferred treatment choice for patients with:
- Infected teeth where the decay has sensitized tooth nerve or pulp
- Cracked teeth or teeth affected due to facial trauma
- Recurrence of tooth infection due to large or failed dental fillings
Is RCT Painful?
No! RCT is significantly painless and quite successful in dentistry.
Dr. Rajat, a dentist in Delhi, in his experience of over 15 years, acknowledged that most of the patients dread getting an RCT assuming it to be painful.
However, with the advent of Endomicroscopy and modern-day anesthesia, RCT has become as seamless as tooth filling procedures.
At Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Center in Delhi, we employ the most recent Endomicroscopic techniques, with over 10 endodontic systems to provide you a pain-free RCT experience.
How Many Visits Are Required for RCT?
An RCT is usually performed by an Endodontist who carries out the procedure in two or more appointments. Depending on various patient factors, Single Visit Endodontics can also be considered.
Before beginning with the actual procedure, the dentist makes sure to take a series of dental X-rays. This is helpful in:
- Obtaining a clear picture of tooth morphology
- Assessing the extent of tooth damage and spread of infection to adjacent teeth and underlying bone
How Does a Dentist Perform RCT?
The conventional step-by-step RCT approach is as follows:
Step 1: Local Anaesthesia
Anesthesia is secured by numbing the tooth to be treated and the surrounding area via an injection. Successful anesthesia fulfills a pain-free experience.
Step 2: Isolation
The tooth is then isolated with a thin sheet of rubber or vinyl, known as a dental dam, that ensures optimum dryness during the treatment as well as prevents the occurrence of accidental swallowing.
Step 3: Access Cavity Preparation
With the help of specialized equipment, a small access hole is then drilled into the tooth, choosing the most suitable tooth surface.
Step 4: Removal of Pulp
Specially designed instruments are then utilized to remove all of the infected and dead pulp tissue from the tooth chamber and root canals.
Step 5: Canal Irrigation and Cleaning
Once the entire infectious pulp has been removed from the root canal system, the dentist disinfects the root canals thoroughly with irrigational devices and antiseptic or antibacterial solutions, to rinse away any remaining debris or bacteria.
Step 6: Shaping of Root Canal
This step involves the accurate shaping of the root canal, by enlarging the canals with specialized instruments, to make room for the filling material.
Step 7: Placement of Temporary Restoration
After achieving the desired canal design, the tooth is then sealed with a medicated temporary filling.
- Canal cleaning and shaping procedures require the utmost precision for the RCT to be a success.
- These may demand several visits until the tooth becomes free from infection and is ready to be restored permanently.
- Your dentist in Delhi may prescribe you antibiotics to manage and prevent infections.
Step 8: Sealing the Root Canals
In a subsequent visit to the dental clinic in Delhi, the temporary filling is replaced with the final canal obturating material “gutta-percha”, creating a 3-D seal and protecting the tooth from further contamination.
Step 9: Placement of Permanent Restoration
The tooth chamber is then built up with the bulk of a biocompatible filling material that not only stabilizes the tooth structure but also prevents reinfection.
Step 10: Placement of Crown
To ensure longevity, sometimes it becomes necessary to augment the RC-treated tooth with a prosthetic crown, which is a cap-like structure that completely covers the tooth up to the gum line.
RC treated tooth-supported with crowns serve best against chewing forces and prevent tooth fractures.
Cosmetic restorative options such as crowns, veneers can do wonders to treat the discoloration, that often occurs due to the death of the pulp tissue.
How Will I Know If My Tooth Has Been Treated Properly?
An RCT is considered to be successful when the treated tooth doesn’t cause any post-treatment pain or swelling.
What Precautions Should Be Taken After the RCT?
You should avoid food items that require excursive chewing forces for at least 7 to 10 days.
Once the tooth is back to functioning, you must preserve it for a lifetime with simple oral hygiene measures such as :
- Regular brushing and flossing
- Frequent follow up dental visits
Consider visiting Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Center, Ashok Vihar, Delhi for a hassle-free Root Canal Treatment. The skilled dental experts here provide you with the most comfortable and memorable RCT experience.
To book your RCT appointment, email us at or call at +91 9818894041.