Is there really an association between poor oral health and Liver cancers??
Liver Cancers are a worldwide public health issue. Evidence has suggested that poor oral health is linked to the development of GIT cancers, as a resultant of smoking, alcohol consumption and poor nutrition.
One theory explains the potential role of the oral and gut microbiome in disease development is that Fusobacterium nucleatum, a bacteria originating in the oral cavity can play a role in development of liver cancer. Although studies are being conducted investigating its role in liver cancer.
Another theory states that poor oral health, high number of missing teeth is directly linked with alteration in diet, preference of soft diet leading to consumption of less nutritious food, all of it influencing the risk of liver cancer.
The biological basis by which studies suggest that poor oral health may be more strongly associated with liver cancer, as of now is not certain, still maintaining good oral health is a key aspect of living a longer and happier life. Never take your oral health for granted.