Teeth are important for quality life and prosperity but despite recent advances in dentistry, edentulism is still a major health problem worldwide and are associated with various health issues. Restoring of edentulous mandible or maxilla with adequate bone is done with conventional implants and the minimal bone height require for standard implant placement in the posterior region of the upper jaw is about 10 mm.

But in case of resorbed ridge or atrophied jaw, a larger volume of bones are require so bone grafting procedure need to be done. The bone grafting procedure have the disadvantage of prolonged treatment time, morbidity of the donor site and graft rejection thereby giving more challenges to the surgeons. On the other hand, zygomatic implants are graftless, use longer implants and placed in the zygomatic bone or cheek bone and are suitable for all age groups except children.
History of Zygomatic Implants
The Zygomatic Implants was first introduced by Branemark & Nobel Biocare, Sweden for patients with severe defects of the maxilla due to trauma, tumor resections, congenital defects, etc. In India, Zygomatic implants was first introduced by Dr. R. Gunaseelan on March, 2007. Current concept suggests the use of multiple implants in the zygomatic regions for rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla because they yield a more anatomically accurate prosthesis as they emerge from the alveolar bone.

Who need Zygomatic implants
- Patient with no bone in the upper arch (maxillary arch) for conventional implants need zygomatic implants
- Patients with failed or failing dental implants or bone grafts or sinus grafts in the upper jaw can opt for Zygomatic Implants as they are regarded as a rescue implants in such situations
- Patients with ectodermal dysplasia have very few teeth (hypodontia or anodontia), less or no bones in the jaws since childhood. So, Zygomatic Implants is one of the best option to get a fixed set of teeth

- Patients with papillary lefevre syndrome is presented with aggressive periodontitis which lead to premature loss of deciduous and permanent dentition at a very young age. So, Zygomatic Implants will help in restoring the teeth for those who lost all the teeth at a very young age.
Benefits of Quad Zygomatic Implants
When conventional implants fail to fix or restore the teeth, Zygomatic Implant is at the rescue. With zygomatic implants one can eat, speak and smile in a much better ways. It has a success rate of more than 98%.

Guided Zygomatic Implants
In this technique, zygomatic implants are placed with a specially design surgical guides that help the surgeons to accurately place the zygomatic implants.

Cost of Zygomatic Implants
The cost of zygomatic implants in India varies depending on the experience of the dental professionals, facilities available, location and complexity of the bone situation.
Stage 1:

4 zygoma implants in the upper jaw – quad zygoma (cost includes sedation, zygomatic implants and acrylic bridge INR: 5,00,000)
Stage 2:

After 6 months – 1 year
For acrylic bridge – INR: 25,000
For ceramic bridge – INR: 75,000
The total cost includes –
- Consultations
- Pre operative investigations like –
- Clinical evaluation
- Anesthetic evaluation
- Sedative charges
- Prosthetic part – Bridge steps.
b. Study models
c. Digital documentation