Have you ever witnessed blood in the morning in the wash basin while brushing your teeth?
Do you know why do your gums bleed profusely when you brush too hard?
Do you want answers to your queries?
If yes, keep reading this article to decode all the questions related to your worries of bleeding gums.
Q1. What do you understand by bleeding gums?
Ans. Bleeding gums are a sign of the poor oral hygiene of a person.
It also indicates that there might be an underlying systemic disease.
Gum bleeding is generally due to excessive plaque formation and accumulation on the teeth.
This results in a chronic condition called as gingivitis, which if untreated can result in periodontitis which involves the gums and bone of the jaws.
Q2. Reasons for bleeding gums?
- Bleeding disorders
- Vigorous brushing
- Plaque and calculus deposits
- Ill fitting dentures causing laceration in the mucosa and gums. It can also cause denture stomatitis which is like painful ulcers in the patient’s mouth on the palate.
- Hormonal imbalance or changes in women during pregnancy
- Patient suffering from leukaemia
- Deficiency of vitamin c that causes scurvy and also leads to bleeding gums.
- Deficiency of vitamin k that delays clotting
- Patients having heart diseases and on medication of blood thinners tend to have bleeding gums.
Q3. How to manage bleeding gums at home?
- Brush twice a day – to avoid food accumulation and plaque formation.
- Brush with a medicated toothpaste along with a soft bristle brush in slow circular motions and upward downward motion to get rid of the plaque formation
- Floss daily – It is an essential step which people skip due to their busy schedule but flossing daily can help you reduce plaque formation interdentally.
- Avoid having sticky food and smoking. Smoking and use of tobacco have adverse effects and cause bleeding in gums in most cases.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes maintaining a good oral hygiene consuming food rich in vitamin c like lemon, citrus fruits and vitamin k by having green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and vegetables like cauliflower , cabbage etc.
Q4. What deficiency causes bleeding gums?
Ans. Deficiency of vitamin c and vitamin k causes bleeding gums.
Q5. Which toothpaste or toothbrush is best to cure bleeding gums?
Ans. There is nothing like a best toothbrush or toothpaste, but one needs to learn a proper technique of brushing.
Visit us at our dental clinic to get professional oral prophylaxis to see a drastic difference in reduction of the inflammation in your gums.
Q6. How can I avoid bleeding gums while flossing?
Ans. Brushing twice a day daily, flossing regularly and using a mouthwash.
But you must visit a dentist every 6months to cure the problem.
Q7. Why does my gum bleed even if I’m not brushing?
Ans. It is because you are suffering from gingivititis.
Gingivititis simply means that there is inflammation of the gingival or the gums which are red, Swollen and prone to bleed.
Q8. Is it normal for gums to bleed while flossing?
Ans. No, it shouldn’t bleed while flossing. Bleeding gums is suggestive that there is excessive plaque formations which have made gums to inflame and bleed.
Q9. Can HIV transmit to others through bleeding gums?
Ans. Yes of course. People suffering from HIV can transfer it through contamination of blood and body fluids. So it is essential for patients to take proper medication and treatment for bleeding gums and maintain a good oral hygiene.
Q10. How can bleeding gums are cured?
- By maintaining a good oral hygiene.
- Avoid smoking
- Reduce stress level
- Intake of vitamin c and vitamin k
- Visit dentist every 6months for professional oral prophylaxis
Q11. How to stop bleeding gums at home?
- Do warm saline rinses
- Use soft bristle brush for brushing
- Massage gums with fingers gently
- Floss daily
- Use mouthwash regularly
Q12. How is bleeding gums related to high blood pressure?
Ans. If a person is suffering from high B.P and are on medication have bleeding gums.
Medication containing calcium channel blockers have an impact on oral health.
Q13. How is bleeding gums is related to systemic heart diseases?
Ans. Patients suffering from heart diseases are prescribed blood thinners, such as aspirin and other
Anti coagulants which hamper the natural healing mechanism.
Q14. Bleeding gums a sign of pregnancy?
Ans. 50% of pregnant women have swollen red gums.
Pregnancy gingivititis is caused by hormonal imbalance which makes the gums more sensitive and susceptible to bacteria which results in inflammation.
Q15. Why visit us?
Ans. We at Dr. Sachdeva’s dental clinic have more than 15 years of experience in handling periodontal problems. If you have any other concerns you may visit us at our dental clinic in Ashok Vihar for expert consultation and treatment.