Did you recently have a root canal treatment and are pondering whether or not to get the capping done?
This is very common!! People usually loose the motivation to get the treatment completed (which includes RCT + Capping), as the pain disappears and they can even chew comfortably from the affected side. But then any treatment left incomplete is hazardous, so is RCT!
In order to avoid extraction (removal) of decayed, fractured or infected tooth root canal treatment is opted. Today, root canal treatment saves many teeth that would otherwise have been extracted. The treatment involves removal of infected pulp (nerves and vessels of the tooth), bacteria and dead cells. After the dentist has properly cleaned the canals, he/she fills it with artificial supporting material (gutta percha) and finally seals the canal.
After root canal treatment, a tooth may be significantly reduced in structure. More importantly, the most integral tissues for the health of the tooth have been removed, leaving it to rely exclusively on the walls of the tooth for support and thus making it weak and brittle.
The tooth left unattended at this stage is prone to fracture due to chewing forces. The tooth left after the treatment is just a shell without sufficient supporting structures and nutrients, thus there is no strength to chew hard foods. It may break or split when you bite on it and in worst case it might be extracted.
Dental crown or cap after RCT are therefore necessary to restore and protect the tooth as much as possible. Crown serves to solidify a tooth and maintain its integrity. Crown dissipates the force applied over the tooth to a large surface area, which reduces overall stress thus preventing fracture of the tooth.
Maintenance of the crown is similar to the natural teeth which includes brushing and flossing on a daily basis. The life span of a crown depends on individual’s oral hygiene maintenance and habits. Deleterious habits such as grinding or clenching your teeth, chewing ice, biting fingernails and using your teeth to open packaging has adverse effect on the crown.
A dental crown is the best way to ensure the future health of a tooth following root canal therapy. Root canal treatment needs great amount of precision and dexterity in order to be successful. At Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Clinic Root canal treatment is done in single sitting using the latest technique and instruments. High-end dental treatment and patient satisfaction has been our first priority as we understand the importance of patients’ wellbeing and contentment. To fulfill this goal we have tied up with OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration) and CDC (Center of Disease Control) and are committed to provide highest levels of satisfaction to our clients.
Every staff member at Dr.Sachdeva's Dental Institute is committed to making you smile every day. You can contact us at our Dental Implant India to schedule your appointment.